Thursday, 5 May 2016

Happiness Is Not A Destination. It Is A Way Of Life.

Happiness Is Not A Destination. It Is A Way Of  Life.


It is for happiness that we live our lives. All our Actions are justified by us if they help us attain happiness. But happiness does not come to us without striving for it with sincerity and dedication. It depends a lot on our approach to what we do as well as to life.That is why Allan K. Chalmers has said," The grand essentials of happiness are: Something to do,something to love and something to hope for". In others words, if You want to live a happy life, you must tie it to a goal . If you decide on goal ,it offers you an opportunity to  channel your resources coupled with energy in a definite direction. If you start your journey in the right direction, the more you march forward, the more determined  you feel. Your single minded progress towards your goal keeps you from the detractors or things that may push you towards negativity.

In order to achieve what you aspire to ,only Your positive thoughts can help .The happiness of your life depends wholly on the quality of your thoughts. For example, if you are trying to get into an organisation by cracking the competitive examination meant for selection, you will have to concentrate all your intellectual resources towards the success in that examination. There is all likelihood that some difficult topics force you to think negatively. But you will have to overcome the negative thoughts by thinking positively , if you want to emerge victorious. Without success in the examination, your chance get into the organisation will not be possible. In fact, your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, you will notice a great change in your thought and your life will start to change. You can wear a smile, you can laugh naturally, If you are really happy. The great writer Victor Hugo has remarked--"laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face".Laughter keeps one not only energetic, but also inspires one to carry out every task smoothly.

You are,however, advised to keep away from people who can't make you happy. Avoid those people who dissuade you from marching on your own way to success. Such people prove detrimental to the accomplishment of your task. Somebody has rightly said that life is too short to spend time with people who sucks the happiness out of you. Always prefer to discuss your problem with yours peers who listen to you patiently and give you positive advice to efforts, negative feelings can't enter your mind and obstruct your progress. Always enjoy doing work and never let any negative thought get the better of you . Use your smile to changed the world. Don't let the world your smile .Happiness is not destination.Its a way of life.
My frnds are mine Happiness in the way of life because my life is defined by my frnds 
Jesal ,Keyur ,Vivek and many more to go ...............